Diverse Kid Lit, May 4th, 2019

May 2019 DiverseKidLit Link Up blog HTML Happy May! Hard to believe that we are into the 5th month of 2019 already. Where does time go? As the school year winds down for many parents, the focus begins to also shift to how to keep kids reading during the summer months. "Summer slide" is indeed a "thing," and even Scholastic has acknowledged the importance of keeping kids reading during the non-school months in their report, 10 Critical Facts about Summer Reading. With that in mind, below are some great ideas and suggestion for books that parents can add to their summer bookshelf to help keep summer slide at bay. These books are also all diverse in nature which allows readers of all ages to "see" themselves in the pages of the books they read. And if you are a book reviewer, be sure and add your diverse children's book review links and resources to this linkup and keep these great suggestions and recommendations list growing! Enjoy!

First, What Is #DiverseKidLit?

Diverse Children's Books is a book-sharing meme designed to promote the reading and writing of children's books that feature diverse characters. This community embraces all kinds of diversity including (and certainly not limited to) diverse, inclusive, multicultural, and global books for children of all backgrounds. We encourage everyone who shares to support this blogging community by visiting and leaving comments for at least three others. Please also consider following the hosts on at least one of their social media outlets. Spread the word using #diversekidlit and/or adding our button to your site and your diverse posts.
We hope this community serves as a resource for parents, teachers, librarians, publishers, and authors!

#DiverseKidLit is Hosted by:

Becky @JumpIntoaBook Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram
Gauri @ Kitaab World an online bookstore for South Asian children's books, toys, and games Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram
Gayle Swift, Author of ABC, Adoption & Me Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Google+
Shoumi Sen, Author of Toddler Diaries Blog / Twitter / Facebook
Svenja @ Colours of Us
Terry @ The Reading Tub
  Click here to join the mailing list. Interested in joining as a host or an occasional co-host? Contact Becky@JumpIntoaBook.com.

1. Un libro de solapas en colores y
B/N para armar.

2. Las instrucciones están incluídas.
Recomiendo armar el librito

3. Carteles de agradecimiento
para entregar a quiénes limpian
la escuela, la casa o la
comunidad. En colores y B/N.

4. Dos carteles con los colores del
reciclaje y las 3 “R’s” en colores y


Desafío de lectura en verano

El verano es para descansar y relajarse, pero también nos invita a leer los tantos libros que dejamos  atrás. Es importante continuar la lectura durante las vacaciones de verano por muchas razones. Aquí les dejo algunas para que lo tomen en cuenta: 

1. Los niños que no leen durante el verano experimentan perdida del aprendizaje adquirido. El efecto es acumulativo. Niños y niñas que no leen durante el verano estarán dos años atrasados en comparación de sus compañeros de clase para cuando lleguen al sexto grado. 

2. Leer durante el verano es divertido y estimula el amor por la lectura. 

3. Un buen libro durante el verano desarrolla las habilidades cognitivas y expande el vocabulario.  

4. La lectura diaria fomenta la fluidez y las habilidades de comprensión. 

5. Fomenta la creatividad, autoestima, autoconfianza , motivación y eleva la concentración. 

6. Mejora la ortografía y redacción.

7. Reduce el estrés y mejora el ánimo.

8. Entretiene

9. Estimula la reflexión

10. Es una ventana al mundo.

Puedes usar este producto GRATIS durante o después de las vacaciones de verano. 

 Colorín Colorado es un sitio bilingüe que habla de la importancia de la lecto-escritura en edades pequeñas.

Hay muchas maneras de fomentar el amor por la lectura:

1. Visita una biblioteca cercana a tu vecindario junto a los amigos o familiares. Participar en sus actividades. 

2. Crear un club de libros durante el verano con un grupo de amigos y juntarse a compartir lo leído con la supervisión de un adulto. 

3. Visitar las The Little Free Library que hay en tu región. Si no sabes lo que son, visita este sitio para saber más. El sitio contiene hasta mapas para saber donde encontrarlas.  

4. Crear una biblioteca en tu casa o vecindario. 

5.  Leer un libro y luego ver la película con amigos. 

6. Participar en Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge para tener una cuenta de los minutos leídos. Esta página ofrece recursos para incentivar la lectura durante el verano, pero puede ser usada en cualquier momento del año. Es un recurso para padres y maestros. 

7. Leer diariamente con los más pequeños. Tomar turnos para leer las páginas o párrafos. Dibujar la parte favorita, el final,personajes, etc. Leer lento, rápido, en voz alta, susurrando. Leer los dibujos, resumir el libro en "tus propias palabras", etc.  

8. Visitar una librería y escoger un libro que: sea interesante para el lector,  tenga la cantidad necesarias de palabras para la edad, tenga palabras que sean conocidas.  Usar temas que sean populares entre los niños para incentivarlos. Recuerda que no es lo que le guste al adulto, sino lo que le guste al niño/a. Lo importante es que lea.

9. Llevar un registro de los minutos leídos diariamente. Tener un minutero para contar los minutos leídos. Este archivo GRATIS puede ayudarte. 

10. Construír separadores de páginas usando papel o cartulina.

11. Tener una rutina de lectura: un lugar designado en el hogar y momento del día. Lo mas importante es que el niño lea la cantidad de minutos de acuerdo al grado que este cursando. Si esta en primer grado, 10min; segundo grado, 20min; tercer grado, 30min, etc. 

12. Leer las instrucciones para jugar un nuevo juego. Leer las revistas y anuncios del periódico. 

13. Este PDF tiene más sugerencias e ideas de actividades para usar en casa.

14. En este archivo puedes encontrar recursos para usar durante tu club de libros.

Sígueme en:

Mother's Day

Mother's day is celebrated every second Sunday in May.  In Chile and other Latin American countries, Mother's day is a very important celebration. It is the day to pamper or remember that especial person in many ways. Some schools prepare events and performances on Mother's Day or days before. Most of the children create their own handmade present, learn poems  "para recitar a mamá" or simply write/create a greeting card.  Gestures are often very important at home. Some examples of how children cuddle mommy are:

Prepare breakfast/lunch for her.
Cleaning the house
Going out for lunch or dinner
Giving roses/flowers
Recite poems learned at school. 

In Spanish you can use the expression"mi viejita" (my little old lady) when talking to people about your mom.  It may sound weird in English, however, it is a caring word (slang) that people use in Latin countries more often than you think.  

I would say that one of the most used poems for Mother's Day is the one below. Click on the picture to download the poster from my TPT store for FREE.

You can download it HERE for FREE as well if you don't have a TPT  account. 

Some other poems written by children are in this site and below are a few poems written by known writers:

                 Caricias, de Gabriela Mistral                 

Madre, madre, tú me besas,

pero yo te beso más.

como el agua en los cristales,

caen mis besos en tu faz…

Te he besado tanto, tanto

que de mi cubierta estas
y el enjambre de mis besos
no te deja ni mirar…

Mi Madre, de Tito Fernandez

Mi madre, como todas las madres,
tenía las manos casi santas
y lucía en la frente un beso, lindo,
el que le dábamos, mi hermano y yo, cada mañana.

Mi madre, como todas las madres,
era hacendosa y pura como el agua
y buscaba para mí y me regalaba
los tesoros profundos de su alma...

Of course there are many songs in Spanish for Mother's Day...

Mi mamá me mima, de Christel

 Los pollitos dicen

Los pollitos dicen
pío, pío, pío
cuando tienen hambre
cuando tienen frío. 

La gallina busca
el maíz y el trigo
les da la comida
y les da abrigo.

Bajo sus dos alas
se están quitecitos
y hasta el otro día
duermen calentitos.

MORE ideas for Mother's Day? Click HERE 

Canción de Marco 

En un puerto italiano
al pie de las montañas,
vive nuestro amigo Marco
en una humilde morada.

Se levanta muy temprano
para ayudar a su buena mamá,
pero un día la tristeza
llega hasta su corazón.

Mamá tiene que partir
cruzando el mar a otro país.

No te vayas mamá,
no te alejes de mí,
adiós mamá, pensaré mucho en tí.
No te olvides mamá,
que aquí tienes tu hogar.

Si no vuelves pronto iré,
a buscarte donde estés,
no me importa donde vayas,
te encontraré.

Diverse Kid Lit, April 6th, 2019

April, without a doubt, is a busy month for most people. It's also a month filled with amazing national and global observances that are perfect for inspiring a love of reading and #diversekidlit discovery! From National Poetry Month and Poem-in-Your-Pocket Day to World Book Day and School Library Month, the online world is filled with endless opportunities to share the diverse books for kids that we love. So, if you are a parent, grandparent, caregiver, teacher, or librarian looking for amazing diverse kidlit recommends to share with your young readers, you will appreciate this recurring monthly resource of diverse book reviews. If you are a book reviewer, please join us in sharing your diverse children's book links and resources, as well as visiting other links to find great suggestions and recommendations.

First, What Is #DiverseKidLit?

Diverse Children's Books is a book-sharing meme designed to promote the reading and writing of children's books that feature diverse characters. This community embraces all kinds of diversity including (and certainly not limited to) diverse, inclusive, multicultural, and global books for children of all backgrounds. We encourage everyone who shares to support this blogging community by visiting and leaving comments for at least three others. Please also consider following the hosts on at least one of their social media outlets. Spread the word using #diversekidlit and/or adding our button to your site and your diverse posts.
We hope this community serves as a resource for parents, teachers, librarians, publishers, and authors!

#DiverseKidLit is Hosted by:

#DiverseKidLit Link Up
Becky @JumpIntoaBook Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram
Gauri @ Kitaab World an online bookstore for South Asian children's books, toys, and games Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram
Gayle Swift, Author of ABC, Adoption & Me Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Google+
Shoumi Sen, Author of Toddler Diaries Blog / Twitter / Facebook
Svenja @ Colours of Us
Terry @ The Reading Tub
  Click here to join the mailing list. Interested in joining as a host or an occasional co-host? Contact Becky@JumpIntoaBook.com.
Inlinkz Link Party

Diverse Kid Lit, February, 2019

Diverse Kidlit Linkup for February and March February Now that the 6th annual Multicultural Children's Book Day has come to a close, we need to keep the buzz and excitement surrounding diverse kidlit going! If you are a parent, grandparent, caregiver, teacher, or librarian looking for amazing diverse kidlit recommends to share with your young readers, you will love this recurring monthly resource of diverse book reviews. If you are a book reviewer, please join us in sharing your diverse children's book links and resources, as well as visiting other links to find great suggestions and recommendations.

First, What Is #DiverseKidLit?

Diverse Children's Books is a book-sharing meme designed to promote the reading and writing of children's books that feature diverse characters. This community embraces all kinds of diversity including (and certainly not limited to) diverse, inclusive, multicultural, and global books for children of all backgrounds. We encourage everyone who shares to support this blogging community by visiting and leaving comments for at least three others. Please also consider following the hosts on at least one of their social media outlets. Spread the word using #diversekidlit and/or adding our button to your site and your diverse posts.
We hope this community serves as a resource for parents, teachers, librarians, publishers, and authors!

#DiverseKidLit is Hosted by:

#DiverseKidLit Link Up
Becky @JumpIntoaBook Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram
Gauri @ Kitaab World an online bookstore for South Asian children's books, toys, and games Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram
Gayle Swift, Author of ABC, Adoption & Me Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Google+
Shoumi Sen, Author of Toddler Diaries Blog / Twitter / Facebook
Svenja @ Colours of Us
Terry @ The Reading Tub
  Click here to join the mailing list. Interested in joining as a host or an occasional co-host? Contact Becky@JumpIntoaBook.com. March {add your own intro}   If you are a parent, grandparent, caregiver, teacher, or librarian looking for amazing diverse kidlit recommends to share with your young readers, you will love this recurring monthly resource of diverse book reviews. If you are a book reviewer, please join us in sharing your diverse children's book links and resources, as well as visiting other links to find great suggestions and recommendations.

First, What Is #DiverseKidLit?

Diverse Children's Books is a book-sharing meme designed to promote the reading and writing of children's books that feature diverse characters. This community embraces all kinds of diversity including (and certainly not limited to) diverse, inclusive, multicultural, and global books for children of all backgrounds. We encourage everyone who shares to support this blogging community by visiting and leaving comments for at least three others. Please also consider following the hosts on at least one of their social media outlets. Spread the word using #diversekidlit and/or adding our button to your site and your diverse posts.
We hope this community serves as a resource for parents, teachers, librarians, publishers, and authors!

#DiverseKidLit is Hosted by:

#DiverseKidLit Link Up
Becky @JumpIntoaBook Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram
Gauri @ Kitaab World an online bookstore for South Asian children's books, toys, and games Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram
Gayle Swift, Author of ABC, Adoption & Me Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Google+
Shoumi Sen, Author of Toddler Diaries Blog / Twitter / Facebook
Svenja @ Colours of Us
Terry @ The Reading Tub
  Click here to join the mailing list. Interested in joining as a host or an occasional co-host? Contact Becky@JumpIntoaBook.com.
Inlinkz Link Party

Diverse Kid Lit, January 10th, 2019

Diverse Kidlit link Up Jan 2019 Welcome to the first #DiverseKidLit of 2019! If you are a parent, grandparent, caregiver, teacher, or librarian looking for amazing diverse kidlit recommends to share with your young readers, you will love this recurring monthly resource of diverse book reviews. If you are a book reviewer, please join us in sharing your diverse children's book links and resources, as well as visiting other links to find great suggestions and recommendations.

First, What Is #DiverseKidLit?

Diverse Children's Books is a book-sharing meme designed to promote the reading and writing of children's books that feature diverse characters. This community embraces all kinds of diversity including (and certainly not limited to) diverse, inclusive, multicultural, and global books for children of all backgrounds. We encourage everyone who shares to support this blogging community by visiting and leaving comments for at least three others. Please also consider following the hosts on at least one of their social media outlets. Spread the word using #diversekidlit and/or adding our button to your site and your diverse posts.
We hope this community serves as a resource for parents, teachers, librarians, publishers, and authors!

#DiverseKidLit is Hosted by:

#DiverseKidLit Link Up

Becky @JumpIntoaBook Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram
Gauri @ Kitaab World an online bookstore for South Asian children's books, toys, and games Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram
Gayle Swift, Author of ABC, Adoption & Me Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Google+
Shoumi Sen, Author of Toddler Diaries Blog / Twitter / Facebook
Svenja @ Colours of Us
Terry Doherty @The Reading Tub
href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Thereadingtub">G+, Pinterest Want to be notified when the next #diversekidlit linkup goes live? Click here to join the mailing list. Interested in joining as a host or an occasional co-host? Contact Rebecca (at) franticmommy.com. (Never participated in a linkup before? Please click here for a more detailed step-by-step.)

Get #DiverseKidLit Recommendations on Pinterest~

Our Pinterest board highlights a wide range of amazing posts and resources for Diverse Children's Books. Please consider following the board for even more great books!

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